Monday, November 10, 2008

Boy!!! Did Disney do a number on me

I have never considered myself to be naive or even remotely submerged in the mere fantasies of a perfect or semi-perfect existence, however I feel the need to voice my frustration with Walt Disney and the "fairy"tales they have created. Before being given this assignment I was delightfully enchanted with the way Team Disney spun such glorious tales and managed to segway into them such sweet happy endings, but now I feel cheated. These stories that I have been fawning over all my life; that I have collected on dvd, vhs, and I dare date myself by mentioning the infamous beta are all fallacies. Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and (cover the kids ears) even that damn Aeriel are all knock-offs. These characters weren't toiled over or created in the traditional think tank manor. They were boosted like some expensive car on the streets; given a new paint job; and sold to an unsuspecting public. I may need therapy to get over this one. I feel my whole childhood was a lie. I am throwing away my Bambi lunch box. I will no longer support this menace of butchering literature and selling whimsical dreams to kids to fulfill some CEO's retirement package.