Monday, October 27, 2008

They didn't but we did....

The first time I can ever remember deciding that writing was something that really interested me was after reading a short story by Stuart Dybek entitled "We Did'nt" The writing in the story was sensational. He was able to tell so much about the characters through conveying their surroundings. It was truly amazing to me. I was equally excited when I became privy to The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin. Her writing style was pure finesse and she was able to capture so much detail and incorporate symbolism, and metaphors and employed so many writing techniques all within a short span of a couple of pages and it all worked. I can only dream that my writing kinks begin to smooth out and my work becomes so definitive. Writing saved my life many times when i was younger. I kept a journal(women keep diarys) that helped me to work through some pretty gruesome stuff in my life. Writing has always allowed me to gain perspective by being able to escape my part in the drama of my life allowing me to step back and veiw it objectively. I am sure that the writer and writing that saved my life was the Waker Journal circa 85.


A Quinlan said...

I completely agree! (My year was 90.) Keep writing!

A Quinlan said...

One other thing -- why don't you find some cool Dybek stuff on the web and share it in your blog. He's a knockout....